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International Journal(SCI)


  Kang, Jaewoong, et al. "Transition activity recognition using fuzzy logic and overlapped sliding window-based convolutional neural networks." The Journal of Supercomputing (2018): 1-18.

  Park, Seyoung, et al. "Unsupervised and non-parametric learning-based anomaly detection system using vibration sensor data." Multimedia Tools and Applications (2018): 1-19.

  Sohn, Mye, et al. "Crowdsourced healthcare knowledge creation using patients’ health experience-ontologies." Soft Computing 21.18 (2017): 5207-5221.

  Jeong, Sunghwan, et al. "Semantic similarity calculation method using information contents-based edge weighting." Journal of Internet Services and Information Security 7.1 (2017): 40-53.

  Sohn, Mye, et al. "Development supporting framework of architectural descriptions using heavy-weight ontologies with fuzzy-semantic similarity." Soft Computing 21.20 (2017): 6105-6119.

  Sohn, Mye, et al. "Augmented context-based recommendation service framework using knowledge over the Linked Open Data cloud." Pervasive and Mobile Computing 24 (2015): 166-178.

  Sohn, Mye, Sunghwan Jeong, and Hyun Jung Lee. "Case-based context ontology construction using fuzzy set theory for personalized service in a smart home environment." Soft Computing 18.9 (2014): 1715-1728.

  Sohn, Mye, et al. "Ontology-based dynamic and semantic similarity calculation method for case-based reasoning." Intelligent Automation & Soft Computing 20.1 (2014): 33-46.

International Conference

Kong, Jun sik, et al. "Design of Ontology Framework for Knowledge Representation in Command and Control", International Conference on Big Data Applications and Services, 2018

Kang, Jaewoong, et al. "Anomaly Detection of Time-varied Operations using k-means Clustering and Kernel Density Estimation", International Conference on Big Data Applications and Services, 2018

Kang, Jaewoong, et al. "Complex Activity Recognition Using Polyphonic Sound Event Detection." International Conference on Innovative Mobile and Internet Services in Ubiquitous Computing. Springer, Cham, 2018.

Kim, Jongmo, et al. "Predicate Clustering-Based Entity-Centered Graph Pattern Recognition for Query Extension on the LOD." International Conference on Innovative Mobile and Internet Services in Ubiquitous Computing. Springer, Cham, 2018.

Jeong, Sunghwan, et al. "Ontology Development for Dynamic Service Composition in Cyber-Physical Systems (CPSs)." International Conference on Innovative Mobile and Internet Services in Ubiquitous Computing. Springer, Cham, 2017.

Lee, Hyun Jung, and Mye Sohn. "Cross-Recommendation Depending on Commonly Shared Users’ Preferences in IoT Environment." International Conference on Innovative Mobile and Internet Services in Ubiquitous Computing. Springer, Cham, 2017.

Kong, Jun sik, et al. "Recognition of Pedestrians' Intention around Traffic Lights", International Conference on Internet, 2017

Kang, J., et al. "Recognition of transition activities of human using CNN-based on overlapped sliding window." The 5th International Conference on Big Data Applications and Services (BIGDAS). 2017.

Kim, Kun Young, et al. "CNN-based Landform Recognition for a Safe Walking of the Mobility Handicapped", International Conference on Big Data Applications and Services, 2017

Lee, Hyun Jung, et al. "A smart orchestrator of ecosystem in medical tourism." Proceedings of the 18th Annual International Conference on Electronic Commerce: e-Commerce in Smart connected World. ACM, 2016.

Park, Seyoung, et al. "Situation reasoning framework for the internet of things environments using deep learning results." Knowledge Engineering and Applications (ICKEA), IEEE International Conference on. IEEE, 2016.

Lee, Hyun Jung, and Mye Sohn. "Conceptual Similarity Calculation Using Common-Context between Comparatives on Ontology." 2014 Eighth International Conference on Innovative Mobile and Internet Services in Ubiquitous Computing (IMIS). IEEE, 2014.

Im, Soyeon, et al. "Keyword-Based SPARQL Query Generation System to Improve Semantic Tractability on LOD Cloud." Innovative Mobile and Internet Services in Ubiquitous Computing (IMIS), 2014 Eighth International Conference on. IEEE, 2014.

Domestic Journal

  김종모 & 손미애, "그래프 기반의 Basic Graph Pattern 확장 방법을 이용한 LOD 쿼리 재작성 프레임워크 제안", 한국경영공학회지, Vol.21 No.4, 2016

  이진한, 손미애 & 이현정, “렌탈 및 이동통신사업 융합서비스개발 사례에서의 서비스 혁신을 위한 가치사슬 융합위험 기반 융합서비스개발 모델 제안,” 서비스경영학회지, 16(1), 77-97, 2015

  박지성, 정성환, 손미애, "온톨로지를 이용한 이산 사건 시뮬레이션의 개념적 모델 구축 지원에 관한 연구“, 한국 CAD/CAM 학회 논문집, 19(1), 29-40, 2014

  이현정 & 손미애, “효율적 자원 탐색을 위한 소셜 웹 태그들을 이용한 동적 가상 온톨로지 생성 연구. 지능정보연구”, 19(1), 19-33, 2013

Domestic Conference

  김태훈, 진해란, 정성환, 이성일, 공용구, 손미애, "Ontology-based Abnormal Situation Inference System to improve Accessibility of Home Appliance", 대한인간공학회 춘계학술대회, 2016

  김종모, 손미애, "Linked Open Data(LOD)에서 Basic Graph Pattern의 연결 구조를 기반한 정보 쿼리 방법론 연구", 제18회 경영관련학회 통합학술대회, 2016

  진해란, 김종모, 손미애, "신호등 자동제어를 위한 Web-of-Things 기반의 상황인지 서비스 프레임워크", 2016 한국경영공학회 정기학술세미나, 2016

  정성환, 김종모, 손미애, “사회적 관계망 (Social Network Service)으로 수집한 공유 경험 기반의 POI(Point of Interest) path 추천 프레임워크”, 2015 한국경영공학회 정기학술세미나, 2015

  김태형, 김종모, & 손미애, IOT 기반의 개인맞춤형 응급상황 인지 및 알람 서비스 제공 프레임워크. 한국경영공학회 정기학술세미나, 2014

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